Welcome to the Open layers the fiction of risk free imperialism and manifest destiny as exemplified in Hummer’s 2007-2008 ad campaign with the reality of Humvees disabled by Improvised Explosive Devices. The project also overlaps the period between 2007 and 2008, when a rise in IED deaths took place during operation ‘Iraqi Freedom.’ The pictures are juxtaposed next to a graph comparing IED deaths (during the Iraq war) with the failure of General Motors’ brand Hummer to sell, and more broadly with the Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis that crippled the US economy. Ultimately the project displays the hubris of US financial institutions and of the nation’s imperialist ambitions. It points specifically to the failure of General Motors, US Banks, and the Humvee to insure prosperity, protect life and avoid the continuing crisis of capitalism in the 21st century.